Legacy of Healing

I was the quiet child with eyes cast down,
hid in the shadows, shrinking small,
while we wore the guise of a family crowned,
and smiled for the world, dressed up and all,
our “perfect life” a brittle wall.

In our home, storms would break and swell—
a father’s voice, a crashing wave,
a mother bending to catch and quell
the pieces left for her to save,
while praying for strength, though none she gave.

We fled our land for a brighter shore,
dreamed of peace and kinder years,
but found old wounds turned raw once more,
as hope gave way to hidden tears—
and no one guessed our smiles hid fears.

A lonely child with secrets kept,
I clutched my silence like a prize,
and walked the path where sorrow slept,
until the past began to rise
and brought me back with sharper eyes.

Now as a mother, I face the night,
where buried memories stir and ache,
and hold my children close and tight,
to guard the love I’ll never break—
their tender hearts, no harm shall take.

Each day, I learn to heal the seams,
to weave new warmth from threads of pain,
unlearning shadows and shattered dreams,
so love may bloom without the stain
of anger’s curse, of bruised refrain.

This journey now is one of grace,
of mending wounds I thought would stay,
for healing is the light I trace,
reclaiming joy along the way—
and finding peace where scars once lay.

Author Statement

Writing this helped me witness my own journey from pain and fear to taking back my power and healing…

Reclaim The Night

"I can't sleep for forty years
Because my dad used to come at nights
I wouldn't raise my voice to not to wake up those at home.
I presumed that my secret was darkened by night.
Until yesterday...
Unaware that people at home knew what I'd been going through.
Unaware that everyone in the world knew what I'd been going through.
I'm shouting now.
And again, no one hears me
The night darkens my secret
I want to sleep before I die."

Author Statement

I wrote this poem for British activist Viv Gordon to read at the Reclaim The Night protest on the night of our “Restless” march.

A Crack Appeared

A Crack Appears

I am all armoured up

Keeping in check, taking my stance
defenses in place, doing my dance
I am all armoured up

Facing forward, controlling the chills
sensitivities heightened, sharpening my skills
I am all armoured up

As the cries get louder, the bars grow taller
deafening shrills, sharpening my skills
I am all armoured up

Breaking free, merely a dream
on high alert, my insides scream
Covering my tracks, polishing my rackets
the boxes stay shut, covering my casket
I am all armoured up

Never giving up,
today is the day the crack appears

Author Statement

the words just flowed as I felt familiar old feelings emerging
and after the crack appeared, the pain and sorrow from my youth came
flooding out . ON the path to healing this

Me Not Me

I was my father’s mistress growing up.
It brought my mother great relief.
Taking the pressure off of her.
It made my sister jealous.
I was daddy’s favourite.

Entirely justified in his mind.
An outlet for the outlet.
When my mother’s needs boiled over.
His relief deemed necessary.

I became a mistress to all.
Temporary relief. Eternal grief.
Pressure to both disappear and perform.
Every man’s favourite.

For my worth was written very young.
My purpose well defined.
Serve. Please. Relieve.
An invisible slave.

Today I am no one’s mistress.
It brings me great relief.
I see through. I see you.
Forever familiar. No longer preferred.
The pressure on me is not mine and all mine.
All mine to let go.
I am my own favourite.

The past does echo. No longer fate.
I’m more than the burdens of hate.
Chains unraveled. Shatterings whole.
With every breath, I claim my name.

Only You Know You

Original—Poem #11

Rediscovering your inner child is supposed to feel like a breakthrough
For me, it feels like a breakup

I don’t think my inner child wants to speak to me
She thinks I don’t like her, wanting to remain apart

But I want her to know how much I love her
How much I have yet to learn from her

She’s so strong and courageous
She’s the reason I am where I am today
She protected me in ways unimaginable

Though she feels worthless, like a piece of garbage
I want to take away those feelings from her and show her what she truly is
Worth more and a piece of divine love

Little one, please give me a second chance
Don’t break up with me again

I can't afford to keep losing you at the cost of my suppressions
I am ready for us to journey into joy and wisdom

We can recover in peace and love
I know it’s scary but it’s not yours to carry

I will take care of the pain
I want you to enjoy your lovely life

You’ve always deserved it and I’m sorry you never got to enjoy any of it
But I’m here to take away your burdens that were never yours to carry
And lay down happy, fun, creativity for they were always yours to carry

I was a mistake...
No little one, you were never a mistake

You are my treasure
My abundance of joy

You’re the reason I get up every day
I live for you, in hopes that you can live for you

Give me another chance
I’ll think about it...

That’s okay little one, think about it and even if it’s a no
I will accept your beautiful wishes
For you deserve to be respected and valued

You are human and a child of God
When and if you’re ready, just know I will be here, ready to turn your tears into joy

Love you little one

—the end

Duplex III: Be Quiet

Duplex III: Be Quiet

Be quiet; the voice doesn’t belong here,
Only the body turned into piñata.

Your body made into a piñata.
Boys swing their sticks, breaking things not theirs.

Boys hit you with their sticks, breaking things not theirs.
Innocence falls, swallowed up by night.

Fallen innocence, swallowed by night.
Candy wrappers are clothes, no room for names.

Candy wrappers for clothes. Who cares about names?
Boys gnaw on silent sugary screams.

Boys’ teeth dig into sugary screams.
Confectionery prey, looking for sound.

Confectionery, pray, can’t find sound,
Only the body turned into piñata.

Copyright ©️ 2024

Author Statement

As an advocate and survivor of child sexual assault and sexual assault, I use poetry as a powerful tool for healing and raising awareness. My words speak for those who have been silenced and made to believe that their pain was their fault. Through my art, I aim to break the cycle of shame and empower survivors to reclaim their voices and bodies.

Don’t turn out the light

Please don't turn out the light, don't let the darkness fall,
For then I'll hear his footsteps treading down the hall.
Please don't turn out the light, I want to wait awhile,
For he is oh so big and strong
And I am just a child.
Please don't turn out the light,I'm not ready for the pain,
I think I hear his footsteps
Yes, here he comes again.
Please don't turn out the light, just wait and let me sleep
Amongst the stars where I'll ask God "I pray my soul to keep."

Author Statement

After living in fear of this foster Father I was abandon by this family when they deemed me incorrigible. I never told on him.

The Escape To The Island

I awoke early with a start today.
My inner child Tee Jay wanted to play.
As I stepped into the shower.
I was overcome with his power.
So, softly I said okay
Where would you like to go today?
The Island was fun to go to before
Oh please can we go there some more?

Breakfast eaten dishes cleaned and put away
We had to pack a lunch for the day.
Giddy delight awaiting the bus, what’s all this fuss.
We saw the ferry boat and our heart burst with desire.
The smell of the wooden floors from the boat set his little heart on fire
It all brought back happy childhood memories.
That did transpire.

As we left the boat we heard Centerville was calling.
So off we trod to see what had changed.
As we rounded the bend, and the buildings came into view
The view hadn’t changed as much as we thought it would do
Buildings, rides, all the familiar smells
Cotton candy, popcorn, hotdogs, they all seemed the same.

On to the plot where we could see
The height of the tree we had planted on a trip.
The thin little tree I could close my hand around
Was now big enough to almost wrap my arm around,
No more 20 inches tall, more like 30 feet and climbing.
The tall maple branches reaching for the sky.
The canopy of leaves a welcome sight to the eye.

The carousel ride that Tee Jay loved as a child
Flooding back to my mind all the happy memories that were wild

Onward we plod through the maze we played
4 hours long ago to complete, only 2 ½ today
By lunch our stomach and feet were growling
So rest and refuel was next on the list.
The beautiful view one dare not miss.
Over the bridge to the family beach we did go
Only now things are different, it’s not for everyone you know.

Onward we go to the people who live there
And run into an old friend who still lived there.
We reminisced about the good old days
And how we found wonder places to play.
The sailboats all tall and clean were lined up and ready
For all to be seen.

The day was getting short, and we were both getting tired
So we started to head home so we could retire.
The toot of the horn as we approached the dock
Brought a tear to my eye which was quite a shock.

As we slowly walked to the bus to go home
I asked what was up and Tee Jay said I don’t want to go home
Because I know what happens when we get there
She will be waiting to beat us for going for the day
I reached inside to give him a hug
Not this time Tee Jay, not ever again
For I am here to protect you now because I am now a man.

The beatings she gave, the abuse that he did, are now just a memory
That god willing one day, with you helping me
All of those bad memories will finally go away.

And we will go back to the beach to play.

Author Statement

This trip back in time was a very soul touching inner child healing session.

Even as I wrote these words Tee Jay is clamoring and trying to change my line of thought.

His presence in my life has led me to some strange places that I would not have normally seen, but I am glad to have had the experience with him as a guide, so to speak.

Our lives are inseparable I have now come to realize, I guess I have known it all along.

One day in the future, when life has come to an end for me we will meet face to face, and then for real we will get to embrace and when that day comes, I pray for the healing to be finished and complete.

That day I hope is a long way off, for there is too much left to do down here.

How Do I Survive?

I was born at the start of winter
Seven months later my mother passed away
Four months later my nightmare began
She came to our house as a live-in nanny
But her plans were of another nature
By the age of seven and suffering her physical, psychological abuse
Another nightmare began, started by my brother
He had decided to use me as a man would use a woman
And the family did nothing until he was caught red-handed
He left the house to never return again,
But the damage done by both and could never be undone
Now my journey to heal has just begun
And let me tell you straight, it is not any fun
To talk to others who had the same
Seems to help heal the pain
But in my heart of hearts I know
Although the pain will heal and peace may come
But nothing in the world can truly heal and remove the damage done.

Author Statement

As I sat and composed this poem, thinking about all of the abuse I had faced as a child and young adult, tears filled my eyes and they developed into a feeling of rage.

The more I wrote the more relief I felt, it was as if the hurt started to melt.

My eyes are red, to match my hair, my eyes are blue to match my soul.

I know the day will come that all of my frustration of no one helping me will leave but for now I will just hold it until I feel safe enough to just let it go.

The Gatehouse