The Mourning After

i was in therapy for years
CBT worksheets plotted purposefully amongst childhood paraphernalia
from corners, soft lamplight was thrown like a duvet
trying to drape coziness 
over the confining clinical unease.
and they were all the same
like a drugstore halloween costume labeled “safe space”
it was a factory-made attempt
to resemble the real thing
on grey walls hung posters advertising healing
as a landscape with peaks and valleys 
true as it may be,
the message seemed a joke 
from the merry-go-round’s plastic saddle.
one after the other
well-meaning professionals gobbled up
veiled confession 
i can’t eat because it’ll make my thighs too big
was easier to offer up 

i can’t eat because looking like a woman 
is what drew him in 
full from my empty bellied half-truths 
they would rub their satisfied stomachs
nodding as they prescribed me 
a 50mg prize 
i became lost in a body 
that no longer felt mine
Shame sinking me deeper by the day.
not long was I gone before
the missing signs went up around me
the photo used was of the girl before
my family and my friends searched,
pleaded, despaired,
but soon the search was abandoned 
and from my warm corpse 
i watched as my mother,
destroyed by guilt 
believing she had failed me
mourned her child. 
watched as my friends moved on,
unable to keep reaching outward
only to return with untouched palms. 
i watched as my kind father,
eyes heavy and confused 
opens his arms wide
like a shoreline of pure hope
and he calls me to make my way 
back to him 
desperate for an embrace
from his lost child
it would be five long years 
until I would return 
to the warm sands of touch 

You gave me this Shame. 
Shame that denied delicious food
lovingly made with intention and care 
Shame that shut me out from the world 
from relationships
from school
from parties
from sex 
from me 
years passed by under the weight 
of it’s control 
but now I know
that this Shame you gave me 
isn’t mine. 
the burden, the disgust,
the blame, 
the things you placed in me 
when you took away my childhood 
and my voice 
I can see now, they were never actually mine
this Shame is Yours. 

after all this time 
You take it back. 
In loving memory of Before. 

Author Statement

Lauren Frechette (she/her) is 22 years old and a first-year student in the Creative Writing program at OCAD University. With her work writing poetry, Lauren has learned to better navigate the murky waters of trauma, reclaim her voice, and most importantly, acknowledge the quiet beauty in everyday life. You can find her on Instagram at @laurenfrechette 


He took a piece of me.
He took the peace of me,
my Godfather.
And, my God, Father, I need it back.
Peace - Oh, I remember you.
You endless summer of Lego adventures.
Daytime TV with Gran and her dentures
in a glass, and we’d laugh.
Peace - You made my sides sore and my face hot
from laughing. God, I used to laugh, so loud, a lot.
Peace - You warm bath.
You tranquil home planet, so tiny yet vast.
You safe cosy world all of my choosing,
and Mum’s cooking and Dad’s snoozing,
when all was okay,
and we all believed it would stay that way.
Until the day he took away that piece of me.
The peace of me.
I miss you.
I miss me.

Author Statement

This is not at all the poem I just sat down to write. I’d planned to express a fierce battle cry, but instead these gentle words fell out of me like some kind of creative sneeze. I was surprised and slightly frustrated, but I went with it. It has left me quite still. I thought I was doing pretty good in my recovery but clearly, this poem exercise has illuminated an unrest within me, that I guess I need to stop and listen to. Healing is a
journey, not a destination. I’ll just keep going.

A Life of Trauma

A life of Trauma is like a life at stormy sea

The brutal storms and changing tides drowned you in an instant in time. 

The crashing waves beat you around and forever the fear pins you right down. 

When you look towards the horizon's way, you're hoping and begging for better brighter days. 

And when all you can do is continue to fiercely pray, and even with skies that are full of grey 

the Creator tries to guide and lead the way... to try and teach a beautiful better way.....

Learn to sing, dance, and sway with the waves as they are beautiful too.

Author Statement

I worked on this poem, then became critical of it, and got very frustrated with myself. I tried to write something “better,” but through my sharing with an elder, and through her amazing sharing with me, I realized that this poem is the one I was meant to write and submit. I have learned that creator may not give you a lot of words or super fancy words but any words can be just as impactful and healing.

A Sense of Strong

Weak, weak, weak.
My mind is in a fog.
My vision is in a haze.
This is how I spent many of my days.
Days, weeks, months, years…
My inner being drowning from tears.
And now, I have a sense of strong.
I haven’t mastered it yet but I am no longer all wrong.
I have a sense of strong…
to get me through my days.
I have a sense of strong…
to look past the haze.
A day at a time, I continue to climb.
A day at a time, I clear my mind.
Be gentle they say, you’ll find your way…
I believe you now, thank you and have the best day.

New Friend

I am who I am, and you are who you are. 
Respect. Trust. Love.
Near and far.
Our time together is up to the stars.

It’s all up in the air but in one form or another, I am always here.

I’ll think what I think, and so will you.
I repeat this for me, and for you.

This is just a little reminder to always be true,
To your new and ever changing friend, the one that looks back at you…

I release you.

I have a tortured mind and you may too.

After you read this poem, may I suggest to say, “I release you.”

The mind is cunning…

Oh yes, it’s wise.

But these thoughts are not truly yours nor mine…

They are not for us to keep.

Live and be free in your light.

Shed those bad thoughts…

The ones that come about all day and all night.

You are perfectly imperfect.

Yes, All of you…

So own it! 

Live it!

And tell these thoughts, I release you!

I forgive you.

I forgive you.

One day, this may be true….

But for now and first off, FUCK YOU!

Oh, don’t worry…by “YOU” I mean me too.

But for now, let’s get back to you…

Yes, you!

You know who you are.

Dig deep, you know every last detail to be true. 

You are to blame and if you need a reminder, look in the mirror and say, “Fuck you!”

Should you choose to remain in the dark, I will no longer take part…

in this facade that we play in all night and all day.

I have an inner child to tend to, one that is waiting to shout, “Hurray!”

So day by day, bare with me as I say, I forgive you I do.

But also, momentarily, FUCK YOU!

Goodnight to Me

Dark thoughts at night,

may you see the light.

Dark thoughts at night,

I release your fright.

Dark thoughts at night,

it’s my time to bite.

Dark thoughts at night,

it’s time to turn off the light.

Dark thoughts at night, 

it’s time for me to have a Good Night.

Realizing Me

She took the same book out of her church library about 30 times between the ages of 8 to ten. Oh,  how I wish I could have held her close and told her again and again
You can tell me

The book she read told her to tell if someone touched her inappropriately. Surround by so many adults couldn't they see the book was a plea
For help

Oh how I wish I could have held her hand in love, I wish she could have told me
In her teens, struggling with body image, hatred for the parts he touched;  they labeled her unpleasant and miserable a person you should never expect much 

How I would have loved to offer her some encouragement, a smile
Maybe then she would have told me

In her 20s and 30s constantly hounded by memories those she finally told shamed and dismissed her, "you're hurting his legacy!" How I wished I was stronger to become a defender of self... you see,

She is me

Now in my 40s a mother, fearless protector no longer owning the shame. I am victorious I am a THRIVER I now know my name

How I now love me and trust me as I come into my own

I'm Beautiful, loved, kind and courageous  

I am me

I am Annie

I am free

Author Statement

I’m so glad that my aunt Carol, who is involved with your agency, encouraged me to write my poem. I’ve written many over the years but this has been the most liberating as I can see my growth as I thrive past my experience. My words were easy to find because I’m no longer bound and my present truth is so much brighter than the lies sprouted in the darkness of my past.

The Gatehouse